Single Acupuncture session first time evaluation plus treatment: $200 (80-90 min) Single Acupuncture session: $165 Set of 5 Acupuncture Treatments: $750 Set of 10 Acupuncture Treatments: $1450 Acupuncture half session: $85 Acupuncture House-Call: $275 if within 5 miles of office after 5 miles price may be adjusted
Vibrational Therapy Treatments
Great for children or anyone wanting acupuncture without the needles.
Treatments are 30 minutes and 60 minutes.
Single Session 30 minutes: $90 Single Session 60 minutes: $180 Packages available upon request
Organ Cleanse and Tonification
Treatments are 60 minutes
Single Session organ cleanse and tonification: $175
Set of 5 organ cleanse and tonification: $825
Set of 10 organ cleanse and tonification: $1550
Facial Rejuvenation Medical Microneedling
Treatments are 75 minutes (includes Body acupuncture).
Single Facial Rejuvenation session: $295
Set of 5 Facial Rejuvenation Treatments: $1425
Set of 10 Facial Rejuvenation Treatments: $2750
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture
Treatments are 75 minutes (includes Body acupuncture).
Single Facial Rejuvenation session: $225
Set of 5 Facial Rejuvenation Treatments: $1050
Set of 10 Facial Rejuvenation Treatments: $2000
Facial Derma-planing and peel with Acupuncture
Treatments are 75 minutes (includes Body acupuncture).
Single Facial Rejuvenation session: $225
Set of 5 Facial Rejuvenation Treatments: $1050
Set of 10 Facial Rejuvenation Treatments: $2000
Body Work/Tuina with Acupuncture
Treatments are 75 minutes.
Single Session Body-work/Tuina with Acupuncture: $200
Set of 5 Body-work/tuina with Acupuncture Sessions: $950
Set of 10 Body-work/tuina with Acupuncture Sessions: $1800
GYROTONIC EXPANSION METHOD Gyrotonic and Gyrokenisis: *Currently capped and not accepting new patients
Gyrokenisis sessions are 60 minutes.
Gyrokenisis single session: $150
Set of 5 Gyrokenisis sessions: *
Set of 10 Gyrokenisis sessions: *
Acupuncture with Gyrokenisis
Treatments are 90 minutes.
Single Acupuncture treatment with Gyrokenisis: $225
Set of 5 Acupuncture and Gyrokenisis: $1050
Set of 10 Acupuncture and Gyrokenisis: $2000
Ketamine Integration Program
Each program is hand curated based on individual needs.